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Liquidity Aggregation System
Bit-Broker, a Prime Broker service designed for cryptocurrency trading, draws inspiration from traditional financial models to create an all-in-one cryptocurrency brokerage service. It aims to empower users in efficiently managing their investments and risks. On the Bit-Broker platform, users can access multiple exchanges, maximizing trading efficiency and minimizing risks.
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Why Choose Bitwind & Bit-Broker?
Broad Exchange Coverage
Bit-Broker provides access to multiple leading cryptocurrency exchanges, eliminating the need to open accounts on each exchange individually. With Bit-Broker, you can gain trading permissions on major exchanges, streamlining your trading activities and improving efficiency.
Multi-User, Multi-Permission System
Bit-Broker is designed with a multi-user, multi-permission system, following the model of traditional financial institutions. This system allows for segregation of duties and permissions across different roles and departments, ensuring efficient trading workflows. Additionally, it supports whitelist withdrawals, effectively isolating internal risks.
Competitive Trading Fees
With Bit-Broker, you can lease accounts with more favorable fee rates, including high-level VIP accounts from multiple exchanges. This helps to reduce your trading costs and enhance your profitability.
Two Subscription Plans
We offer two subscription plans to cater to different needs:
Basic Plan: Designed for hedging accounts, it meets the requirements of hedging trades.
Premium Plan: Suitable for teams with larger trading volumes, it provides advanced trading features and services.
Evolving Product
External Lending: Access additional funds for trading and investments. Portfolio Management: Analyze and track investment portfolios. Smart Routing: Trade across multiple exchanges easily. Dedicated Network: Ensure fast and reliable cross-market transactions. Multi-Chain TRS Mirror Trading: Enhance asset security without storing assets on exchanges... Note: These services are part of our continuous product development efforts to meet evolving client needs.
How to Use Bit-Broker Services?
Register with Bit-Broker
Register a Bit-Broker Account: Visit our website and create a Bit-Broker account by providing the necessary information and creating your login credentials.
Discuss custody and account solutions
Business Communication and Account Custody Solution: Engage with our business team to discuss your account type and custody solution requirements. We will work with you to provide the most suitable options.
Pay account leasing fees
Pay Account Leasing Fees: Based on your chosen account type and custody solution, pay the corresponding account leasing fees. We offer convenient payment methods and provide detailed guidance.
Access account information and API keys, and start using them
Access Account and API Information: Easily access your desired account information and API credentials through the Bit-Broker WebApp. Ensure security by whitelisting your IP address and initiate asset deposits using your chosen custody method.
Account Leasing - Pricing Plans
Bit-Broker, considering risk factors, currently does not custody user assets and is only open to clients who meet one of the following criteria:
1.Hold a Binance VIP1 account: Clients need to meet the requirements for a Binance VIP1 account and use Bit-Broker services by creating an asset management sub-account.
2.Have a Ceffu wallet: Clients need to self-manage assets using a Ceffu wallet and map assets to sub-accounts through the Mirror function. By leasing a Bit-Broker account, clients can enjoy the corresponding plan rates without the need to hold BNB or meet Binance trading volume requirements.
Binance Basic Plan
Account no.
Fee lv
Asset Requirements
AUM >= 0.5mil USDT
Support for Self-Custody
Support for Bit-Broker Custody
Support for Ceffu Mirror
Broker FEE
Monthly Trading Volume<20mil USDT , 200 USD/M
Monthly Trading Volume>20mil USDT , 100 USD/M
Maker 0.270% Taker 0.0360% (BNB 25% off)
Maker 0.0090% Taker 0.0270% (BNB 10% off)
Maker 0.0000% Taker 0.0250%
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Binance Premium Plan
Account no.
Fee lv
Asset Requirements
AUM >= 2mil USDT
Support for Self-Custody
Support for Bit-Broker Custody
Support for Ceffu Mirror
Broker FEE
Monthly trading volume*0.0025%
Minimum 1000 USDT
Maker -0.006% Taker 0.0180% (BNB 25% off)
Maker -0.0050% Taker 0.0130% (BNB 10% off)
Maker -0.023% Taker 0.0240%
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